During the Great Depression, the renowned economist, JM Keynes advised the government to increase public spending. This would counter recessionary trends, inject liquidity...

In the past decade, the Indian manufacturing and export industry has grown rapidly and taken major strides with the aim to become a manufacturing hub for products...

Foreign investors should be aware of the tax changes in sovereign wealth funds and pension funds as Mukesh Butani, of BMR Legal, explains....

A recent ruling of the Rajasthan GST Authority for Advance Ruling in relation to goods and service tax liability on remuneration to company...

The health crisis is a moment of reckoning and an opportune time to revisit GST policy-design The 2016 game-changing constitutional amendment to facilitate...

We need innovative solutions to address tax litigation Last week witnessed the passage of the Direct Tax Vivad se Vishwas Bill even as...

By expanding the scope of equalisation levy to cover foreign e-commerce platforms, India has rushed to incrementally cast its net wide insofar as...

It is paramount that the charter enumerates fundamental rights of taxpayers and basic standards of service, and includes an efficient grievance redressal system...

The Centre’s commitment to reduce harassment of a sound taxpayer reaffirmed This Budget has emphasised the idea of “trust” to enhance transparency and...

Budget 2020 India: It is now up to the government to ensure that the small islands they have created are subsumed into larger...

It is a liberal budget from a tax perspective, with few misses and an impressive inclusive mandate benefiting most deserving sectors. Budget is...

To boost the startup ecosystem, Budget 2020 proposes to ease the burden of taxation on the employees by deferring the tax payment on...