During the Great Depression, the renowned economist, JM Keynes advised the government to increase public spending. This would counter recessionary trends, inject liquidity...

In the past decade, the Indian manufacturing and export industry has grown rapidly and taken major strides with the aim to become a manufacturing hub for products...

Attached is the presentation on the session ‘India as a Signatory on Multilateral Instrument:  Some observations’ India’s positions on MLI – BMR Legal


Making room for big ideas on taxes Based on Prime Minister Modi’s observation that the present Income Tax Act needs to be redrafted...

Frictions between the two are bound to arise and sensationalism of the likes of “Panama and Paradise Papers” will accentuate challenges for legitimate...

In my July 2015 column ‘ICDS – Quest of harmony’, I had held a view that the Income Computation & Disclosure Standards (ICDS)...

Last week, the Bangalore Tribunal rendered a 134 page judgement to Google India (GI) [TS-468-ITAT-2017(Bang)] which has generated significant debate in the International tax fraternity....

There has been much collective groaning since the goods and services tax (GST) was implemented on July 1. Even before it was rolled...

Aligning TP Outcomes with Value Documentation (Actions 8-10 & 13) – Mukesh Butani
